Source code for neobase.neobase


GeoBase. Rebooted.

    >>> b = NeoBase()
    >>> b.get('ORY', 'city_code_list')
    >>> b.get('ORY', 'city_name_list')
    >>> b.get('ORY', 'country_code')
    >>> b.distance('ORY', 'CDG')
    >>> b.get_location('ORY')
    LatLng(lat=48.72..., lng=2.35...)

    from importlib.resources import open_text
except ImportError:
    from importlib_resources import open_text

from os import getenv
import operator
from datetime import datetime
from collections import namedtuple
from math import pi, cos, sin, asin, sqrt
import csv
import heapq

from functools import partial

open_ = partial(open, encoding="utf-8")

__all__ = ["NeoBase", "LatLng", "OPTD_POR_URL", "UnknownKeyError"]


_DEF_OPTD_POR_FILE = "optd_por_public.csv"
LatLng = namedtuple("LatLng", ["lat", "lng"])

[docs]class UnknownKeyError(KeyError): pass
# Sentinel value for signatures _sentinel = object()
[docs]class NeoBase: """Main structure, a wrapper around a dict, with dict-like behavior.""" KEY = 0 # iata_code FIELDS = ( ("iata_code", 0, None), ("name", 6, None), ("lat", 8, None), ("lng", 9, None), ("page_rank", 12, lambda s: float(s) if s else None), ("country_code", 16, None), ("country_name", 18, None), ("continent_name", 19, None), ("timezone", 31, None), ("city_code_list", 36, lambda s: s.split(",")), ("city_name_list", 37, lambda s: s.split("=")), ("location_type", 41, list), ("currency", 46, None), ) # Duplicates behavior, by default we keep everything DUPLICATES = getenv("OPTD_POR_DUPLICATES", "1") == "1"
[docs] @staticmethod def skip(row, date): date_from, date_until = row[13], row[14] if date_from and date < date_from: return True if date_until and date > date_until: return True return False
[docs] def __init__(self, rows=None, date=None, duplicates=None): if date is None: date = getenv("OPTD_POR_DATE","%Y-%m-%d")) if duplicates is None: duplicates = self.DUPLICATES if rows is None: filename = getenv("OPTD_POR_FILE") if filename is None: f = open_text("neobase", _DEF_OPTD_POR_FILE) else: f = open_(filename) self._data = self.load(f, date, duplicates) f.close() else: self._data = self.load(rows, date, duplicates)
@staticmethod def _empty_value(): return {"__dup__": set()}
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, f, date, duplicates): """Building a dictionary of geographical data from optd_por. >>> import os.path as op >>> path = op.join(op.dirname(__file__), 'optd_por_public.csv') >>> with open_(path) as f: ... b = NeoBase.load(f, '2030-01-01', True) >>> b['ORY']['city_code_list'] ['PAR'] """ f = iter(f) # convert lists to iterators fields, key_c = cls.FIELDS, cls.KEY empty_value = cls._empty_value data = {} try: next(f) # skipping first line except StopIteration: pass for row in csv.reader(f, delimiter="^", quotechar='"'): # Comments and empty lines if not row or row[0].startswith("#"): continue if cls.skip(row, date): continue key = row[key_c] if not key: continue if key in data and not duplicates: continue d = empty_value() for field, c, splitter in fields: if splitter is None: d[field] = row[c] else: d[field] = splitter(row[c]) if key not in data: data[key] = d else: prev_d = data[key] new_key = f"{key}@{1 + len(prev_d['__dup__'])}" data[new_key] = d # Exchanging duplicata information d["__dup__"] = prev_d["__dup__"] | {key} prev_d["__dup__"].add(new_key) return data
def __iter__(self): """Returns iterator of all keys in the base. :returns: the iterator of all keys >>> b = NeoBase() >>> sorted(b) ['AAA', 'AAA@1', 'AAB', ... """ return iter(self._data) def __contains__(self, key): """Test if a key is in the base. :param key: the key of to be tested :returns: a boolean >>> b = NeoBase() >>> 'AN' in b False >>> 'AGN' in b True >>> 'agn' in b True >>> None in b False """ if key is not None: key = key.upper() return key in self._data def __nonzero__(self): """Testing structure emptiness. :returns: a boolean >>> b = NeoBase() >>> if b: ... print('not empty') not empty """ return bool(self._data) def __len__(self): """Testing structure size. :returns: a integer >>> b = NeoBase() >>> 18000 < len(b) < 20000 True """ return len(self._data)
[docs] def keys(self): """Returns iterator of all keys in the base. :returns: the iterator of all keys >>> b = NeoBase() >>> sorted(b.keys()) ['AAA', 'AAA@1', 'AAB', ... """ return iter(self)
[docs] def set(self, key, **data): """Set information. >>> b = NeoBase() >>> b.get('ORY', 'name') 'Paris Orly Airport' >>> b.set('ORY', name='test') >>> b.get('ORY', 'name') 'test' >>> b.set('Wow!', name='test') >>> b.get('Wow!', 'name') 'test' """ if key is not None: key = key.upper() if key not in self: self._data[key] = self._empty_value() self._data[key].update(data)
[docs] def get(self, key, field=None, default=_sentinel): """Get data from structure. >>> b = NeoBase() >>> b.get('OR', 'city_code_list', default=None) >>> b.get('ORY', 'city_code_list') ['PAR'] >>> b.get('nce', 'city_code_list') ['NCE'] """ if key is not None: key = key.upper() try: d = self._data[key] except KeyError as e: # Unless default is set, we raise an Exception if default is _sentinel: raise UnknownKeyError(f"Key not found: {key}") from e return default if field is None: return d # we return the whole dictionary try: res = d[field] except KeyError as e: raise KeyError(f"Field '{field}' (for key '{key}') not in {list(d)}") from e else: return res
[docs] def get_location(self, key, default=_sentinel): """Get None or the geocode. >>> b = NeoBase() >>> b.get_location('ORY') LatLng(lat=48.72..., lng=2.35...) """ if key not in self: # Unless default is set, we raise an Exception if default is _sentinel: raise UnknownKeyError(f"Key not found: {key}") return default try: loc = LatLng(float(self.get(key, "lat")), float(self.get(key, "lng"))) except (ValueError, TypeError, KeyError): # Decode geocode, if error, returns None # TypeError : input type is not a string, probably None # ValueError: could not convert to float # KeyError : could not find lat or lng 'fields' return None else: return loc
[docs] @staticmethod def distance_between_locations(l0, l1): """Great circle distance :param l0: the LatLng tuple of the first location :param l1: the LatLng tuple of the second location :returns: the distance in kilometers >>> NeoBase.distance_between_locations((48.84, 2.367), (43.70, 7.26)) # Paris -> Nice 683.85... Case of unknown location. >>> NeoBase.distance_between_locations(None, (43.70, 7.26)) # returns None """ if l0 is None or l1 is None: return None l0_lat = l0[0] / 180 * pi l0_lng = l0[1] / 180 * pi l1_lat = l1[0] / 180 * pi l1_lng = l1[1] / 180 * pi # Haversine formula (6371 is Earth radius) return ( 2 * 6371.0 * asin( sqrt( sin(0.5 * (l0_lat - l1_lat)) ** 2 + sin(0.5 * (l0_lng - l1_lng)) ** 2 * cos(l0_lat) * cos(l1_lat) ) ) )
[docs] def distance(self, key_0, key_1, default=_sentinel): """Compute distance between two elements. This is just a wrapper between the original haversine function, but it is probably the most used feature :) :param key_0: the first key :param key_1: the second key :returns: the distance (km) >>> b = NeoBase() >>> b.distance('ORY', 'CDG') 34.87... """ try: l0 = self.get_location(key_0) l1 = self.get_location(key_1) except KeyError: if default is _sentinel: raise return default else: return self.distance_between_locations(l0, l1)
def _build_distances(self, lat_lng_ref, keys): """ Compute the iterable of (dist, keys) of a reference lat_lng and a list of keys. Keys which have not valid geocodes will not appear in the results. >>> b = NeoBase() >>> list(b._build_distances((0,0), ['ORY', 'CDG'])) [(5422.74..., 'ORY'), (5455.45..., 'CDG')] """ if lat_lng_ref is None: return for key in keys: if key in self: lat_lng = self.get_location(key) if lat_lng is not None: yield self.distance_between_locations(lat_lng_ref, lat_lng), key
[docs] def find_near_location(self, lat_lng, radius=_DEFAULT_RADIUS, from_keys=None): """ Returns a list of nearby keys from a location (given latidude and longitude), and a radius for the search. Note that the haversine function, which compute distance at the surface of a sphere, here returns kilometers, so the radius should be in kms. :param lat_lng: the lat_lng of the location :param radius: the radius of the search (kilometers) :param from_keys: if None, it takes all keys in consideration, else takes from_keys \ iterable of keys to perform search. :returns: an iterable of (dist, key) >>> b = NeoBase() >>> # Paris, airports <= 50km >>> [b.get(k, 'iata_code') for d, k in sorted(b.find_near_location((48.84, 2.367), 5))] ['PAR', 'XGB', 'XHP', 'XPG', 'XEX'] """ if from_keys is None: from_keys = iter(self) for dist, key in self._build_distances(lat_lng, from_keys): if dist <= radius: yield dist, key
[docs] def find_near(self, key, radius=_DEFAULT_RADIUS, from_keys=None): """ Same as find_near_location, except the location is given not by a lat/lng, but with its key, like ORY or SFO. We just look up in the base to retrieve lat/lng, and call find_near_location. :param key: the key of the location :param radius: the radius of the search (kilometers) :param from_keys: if None, it takes all keys in consideration, else takes from_keys \ iterable of keys to perform search. :returns: an iterable of (dist, key) >>> b = NeoBase() >>> sorted(b.find_near('ORY', 10)) # Orly, por <= 10km [(0.0, 'ORY'), (6.94..., 'XJY'), (9.96..., 'QFC')] """ if from_keys is None: from_keys = iter(self) if key not in self: return yield from self.find_near_location( self.get_location(key), radius=radius, from_keys=from_keys, )
[docs] def find_closest_from_location(self, lat_lng, N=1, from_keys=None): """ Concept close to find_near_location, but here we do not look for the keys radius-close to a location, we look for the closest key from this location, given by latitude/longitude. :param lat_lng: the lat_lng of the location :param N: the N closest results wanted :param from_keys: if None, it takes all keys in consideration, else takes from_keys \ iterable of keys to perform find_closest_from_location. This is useful to combine \ searches :returns: an iterable of (dist, key) >>> b = NeoBase() >>> list(b.find_closest_from_location((43.70, 7.26))) # Nice [(0.60..., 'NCE@1')] >>> list(b.find_closest_from_location((43.70, 7.26), N=3)) # Nice [(0.60..., 'NCE@1'), (5.82..., 'NCE'), (5.89..., 'XBM')] """ if from_keys is None: from_keys = iter(self) iterable = self._build_distances(lat_lng, from_keys) yield from heapq.nsmallest(N, iterable)
[docs] def find_closest_from(self, key, N=1, from_keys=None): """ Same as find_closest_from_location, except the location is given not by a lat/lng, but with its key, like ORY or SFO. We just look up in the base to retrieve lat/lng, and call find_closest_from_location. :param key: the key of the location :param N: the N closest results wanted :param from_keys: if None, it takes all keys in consideration, else takes from_keys \ iterable of keys to perform find_closest_from_location. This is useful to combine \ searches :returns: an iterable of (dist, key) >>> b = NeoBase() >>> list(b.find_closest_from('NCE')) [(0.0, 'NCE')] >>> list(b.find_closest_from('NCE', N=3)) [(0.0, 'NCE'), (5.07..., 'XCG@1'), (5.45..., 'XCG')] """ if from_keys is None: from_keys = iter(self) if key not in self: return yield from self.find_closest_from_location( self.get_location(key), N=N, from_keys=from_keys, )
[docs] def find_with(self, conditions, from_keys=None, reverse=False): """Get iterator of all keys with particular field. For example, if you want to know all airports in Paris. :param conditions: a list of (field, value) conditions :param reverse: we look keys where the field is *not* the particular value :returns: an iterator of matching keys Testing several conditions. >>> b = NeoBase() >>> c0 = [('city_code_list', ['PAR'])] >>> c1 = [('location_type', ['H'])] >>> len(list(b.find_with(c0))) 16 >>> len(list(b.find_with(c0 + c1))) 2 """ if from_keys is None: from_keys = iter(self) match = if reverse else operator.eq for key in from_keys: if key in self: if all(match(self.get(key, f), v) for f, v in conditions): yield key